12 September 2007


No, not the guy with the Ark, but the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Seems they lost track of an expensive peice of equipment in Lake Michigan and asked us to locate it for them. We did. They recovered it. Done deal.

I'm sure they paid King Salvage a lot of money to wrench it out of the sand. They didn't pay us anything. Oh well. It's nice to do favors for people....

1 comment:

Richardtmwr said...

No se preocupe em ser capaz de fazer isso imediatamente, em vez disso, a prtica de alguns minutos cada dia, jogando muito lentamente no incio, at que voc possa cantar e tocar ao mesmo tempo.O desafio riscar sua cabea-e-esfregue-o estmago voltou, e no h soluo excepto o tempo ea repetio. Given the hundreds of different chord variations in a 12-bar blues it's no wonder that many don't know which to choose so they simply avoid the whole process altogether. Since it also such a large investment, it should be maintained with a proper care.